Onwards together, Darling

Created by Sarah 2 years ago
Darling Claire. I have many memories of us as children catching up with our family at various venues halfway between England and Scotland or in Bowsden/Wooler. The pub with the Cinderella-style coach in the garden was always a fav. You were always fun but also so caring. I have memories of you and Rebecca always disappearing off to chat in your room at High Humbleton. You were two peas in a pod.
I also remember visiting you in London when I was 18 and having such a laugh with you. I thought you were so cool and sophisticated to be living in London. It was so busy and full on but you were living life to the full. As you always did.
I would often visit Grandma after you had sent books up for Grandma to read and I was always excited to read them too. You always sent such exciting and interesting books.
Some 8 years or so after London, you visited Australia with Bren. We had such an amazing and fun time when you came over.  I will always remember you, Kate, and Nicole having a dance-off to Jive Talk. We had a magical night full of laughter and mischief. Throughout your trip, the most apparent thing to me was just how much you loved Pea and George. They were your world, and your family was your top priority. You were such a proud mamma.
It wasn't until 2019 when your mum added you to our chat on WhatsApp that we realised how many similarities and shared interests we had. Ayurveda; Feldenkrais; Reiki; Yoga; the strong desire to help others… We bonded so much over our chats, and you encouraged me to pursue my interests and continue to learn and grow. I'm forever grateful that your mum brought you into my life again. I discovered a kindred spirit who inspired, supported, and understood me.
Your bravery, humour, and positivity during your health battle taught me how to remain upbeat in the face of challenges.  My challenges paled in comparison to what you were dealing with, yet you always wanted to hear what was happening in my world. You would say we were there to support each other. "Onwards together, darling" was our sign-off to each other.
I read this poem that Susan Cain shared in her newsletter this week. It made me think of you. You were the beautiful person who lived with a full moon in each eye; you loved people for who they were and showed great empathy for those you loved and cared for.
Admit something.
Everyone you see, you say to them, "Love me."

Of course you do not do this out loud; Otherwise,
Someone would call the cops.

Still though, think about this, This great pull in us
To connect.

Why not become the one
Who lives with a full moon in each eye That is always saying,

With that sweet moon Language,

What every other eye in this world Is dying to
I will go onward with your spirit around me for guidance. I still chat with you and will continue to do so. 
Your empathy, compassion, and endless love for those around you was beautiful. And it will live on. You have my word.
Onwards together, darling Claire. I love you.